All are Welcome - Sinners, and Sinners Saved by Grace!
United Zion Church
Moonshine Church is best described as a small but mighty country church. It is a place where you can come as you are, and be accepted and received like you're family. We have worshipers from all age groups and walks of life.
We believe in preaching and teaching the Gospel and combine that with old familiar hymns and songs along with some contemporary praise and worship music. We strongly believe in the POWER OF PRAYER and that the Holy Spirit is alive and well at our church!
Sunday School 9 am (Adults and Children)
Worship Service 10:25 am
Our facilities are family friendly and ADA compliant.
INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY: We have several volunteers who will call all members to alert you of cancellations. You may also call the church phone number (717) 865-0099 and select option "2" when prompted to hear the most current schedule.
Masks are now optional. We have a supply in the entrance lobby if you would like one.
Please make use of hand sanitizer dispenser
If you have tested positive or were exposed to COVID, PLEASE STAY HOME.
If you tested positive after attending a church activity, please alert the Pastor.